Dzine Signs is passionate about its community and is always looking for ways to support causes dear to our hearts. When we heard that Life Flight was upgrading their hangar we wanted to be a part of this special project, making sure these critical life-saving planes and their crews had a base deserving of their good work, that would protect their equipment and proudly represent their brand.

Using traditional and often overlooked brushwork, our team carefully painted the Life Flight branding to the newly reconditioned hangar door. Hand painting had been the signwriters primary technique for hundreds (even thousands!) of years, but has fallen out of favour to the many new application technologies and techniques available today.

On the corrugated steel door of the hangar, hand brush-work is the perfect way to apply the Life Flight branding. Dzine Signs are one of the few signwriting companies in New Zealand that still offer hand-painting as a specialist service.
We're proud to be one of the supporters of Life Flight in this project and thank them for all they do in our community.
